Asian Sticky Wings

A While ago I made a batch of Honey Chile Wing Sauce and Eddie Kept giving me recommendations of how to tweak it so it tasted like San Tung Wings. So we would add a little of this to the bottle and a little of that and we ended up pretty close.

I took the tweaks and made a new batch which came out pretty close but still isn't there

HOWEVER I sat a plate of these wings in front of Eddies Brothers the other day and It was there new favorite sauce taking the place of our usual the Wingers Wings with my homemade sauce.

These Wings are awesome if you are looking for something with a sweet and sticky Asian flair

Asian Sticky Wings

2 tsp red pepper flakes
5 tbsp rice vinegar
1 cup honey
1 cup brown sugar
2 tbsp Soy Sauce

1) Heat Pepper Flakes and Vinegar over medium heat until they start to boil
2) Turn heat down to low and add in remaining ingredients
3) Let simmer for 10 minutes then serve


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