GF update

It has been about 6 weeks since me and Eddie started our bread free/ Gluten free diet. We are still going strong but have decided to add in a cheat meal once a week and expand our menu with new gluten free items.

We have been shopping different grocery stores to see what they have to offer and have found lots of promising item but not very many that have been awesome or better than the originals.

On that note lets start with the good things we have found and will probably continue to eat even after this diet.
1) Glutino Gluten Free Pretzels
Picture from 
These pretzels are so good and super crunchy. We have eaten them plain, dipped them in dips, put them in the food processor to use as "bread crumbs". . . super good!!!

2) Blue Diamond Almond Nut Thins - Pepper Jack Cheese
Picture from 
You wouldn't think that an almond cracker would taste good but the nuttiness that the almond brings to these crackers is really good mixed with the pepper jack cheese. They are like thin little rice cracks with a punch. . . defiantly going to be buying these for a while!

3) Corn and Brown Rice Pasta
We have tried quite a few brands of gluten free pastas and liked them all. As far as I have found they come in either Corn or Brown Rice and in tons of different shapes. The Corn pasta is more like a white pasta and the brown rice is more comparable to whole wheat pasta but both have good flavor and texture and can be used just like any other pasta would. Our favorite way to use it is of course in mac and cheese (Click Here for our recipe)

and now onto the bad. . .
1) Trader Joe's Brown Rice Tortillas
Truthfully these really weren't that bad but more super funky!! Going GF we have noticed that we end up eating the same thing over and over and over again and to get out of the corn tortilla rut decided to try these out. They are like a big giant wanton wrapper and kind of gummy and crunchy in a weird texture way. Would probably be really good to use for a Asian sandwich wrap but for Mexican food as a burrito they just didn't do it for us

2) Namaste Foods Gluten Free Pizza Crust Mix
Being the pizza lovers that we are this crust mix just didn't cut it for us. The package makes two crusts and we tried really hard to like it eating it two nights in a row trying to "fix" it the second night but it still had a gummy texture that kind of felt like it was under cooked but didn't go away no matter how long we cooked it. Again for this one we have to go back to the corn tortillas because this just didn't work.


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