Sabrina's Salsa Fresca

With Vegas and Summer coming up I have decided to start eating a little bit healthier and rather than going low carb or no bread which works but doesn't last with me I figured I'd give the No Processed Food Diet another go around

The first thing I decided to change is something that we eat all the time at our house SALSA. While I do make my own salsa rather than buy it BUT I use canned tomatoes and canned jalapenos in the recipe.

It wasn't as easy as just swapping out the tomatoes and jalapenos for fresh -- I also had to adjust the seasoning a little bit . . . all and all I was pretty impressed with this salsa and will totally make it again!!!

Sabrina's Salsa Fresca

1 1/2 Big or 2 Medium Tomatoes
1/2 Jalapeno
1/8 Onion
1 and 1/4 tsp Garlic Salt
1/4 tsp Salt
1 tsp Cumin
1/4 tsp Sugar
1 tsp Lime Juice

Place everything into a food processor (or blender) and blend till smooth

I usually make more than one batch so I separate out all the
ingredients so i can easily dump and blend 

Unprocessed Salsa #1 AKA Pink Dot --
had to adjust the seasoning a bit after the first Blend
 but was able to get it good enough I made 3 jars full!!!


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